Calculations use marginal tax rates as of . Rates take all federal and provincial taxes and surtaxes into account and the basic personal tax credit. The RRSP contribution limit is $ for . The TFSA contribution limit for is $. Calculations do not factor in the effect of RRSP withdrawals on Old Age Security and other government benefits and credits that are income tested.
See how your marginal tax rate affects the growth of your TFSA and RRSP.
Where do you live?
Taxable income when you contribute:
Taxable income when you withdraw:
Contribution amount:
Invest or spend the RRSP refund?
Years of growth:
Rate of return:
Calculations use marginal tax rates as of
. Rates take all federal and provincial taxes and surtaxes into account and the basic personal tax credit. The RRSP contribution limit is $
. The TFSA contribution limit for
is $
. Calculations do not factor in the effect of RRSP withdrawals on Old Age Security and other government benefits and credits that are income tested.